Sideswiped is an American comedy streaming television series created by Carly Craig and Daniel Reisinger that premiered on July 25, 2018 on YouTube Premium. The series stars Craig who executive produces alongside Reisinger, Robin Schiff, and Jeremy Garelick. Craig and Schiff also act as showrunners.
On October 20, 2017, it was announced that YouTube had given the production, then titled Swipe Right, a series order for a first season consisting of eight episodes. The series was created by Carly Craig and Daniel Reisinger. Craig was set to write the series while Reisinger would direct. Craig was also expected to serve as showrunner along with Robin Schiff. Executive producers were to include Craig, Reisinger, Schiff, and Jeremy Garelick. Sam Anzel was set to serve as a producer.[3][4][5][6] On June 28, 2018, it was reported that the series had been retitled Sideswiped and that it would premiere on July 25, 2018.[7]
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Alongside the initial series order announcement, it was confirmed that Craig had been cast in the series' lead role.[3] On February 9, 2018, it was announced that Rosanna Arquette and Chelsea Frei had been cast as series regulars in the roles of Mary and Jayne, respectively. It was further reported that Jason Sudeikis, Rick Springfield, Peter Gallagher, Tyler Posey, Thomas Lennon, Bryan Greenberg, Charles Michael Davis, Christopher McDonald, Rhys Coiro, Craig Frank, Alice Lee, and Sarah Burns would appear as guest stars.[2]
The four-part series explores NXIVM, which was released in October 2020, a self-help group serving as a front for a sex cult. Founder Keith Raniere was arrested and charged with sex trafficking and other crimes in 2018. At the center of this story is India Oxenberg, the daughter of Dynasty actress Catherine Oxenberg, one of more than 17,000 people who enrolled in NXIVM's "Executive Success Programs." Within NXIVM was DOS, a secret master-slave society in which women were sex-trafficked. The younger Oxenberg ultimately assisted the U.S. government in taking down Raniere and his criminal enterprise.
He manages to con women all over the continent, swindling close to $10 million from all the women he conned. An upcoming genre that has gained immense popularity in the last few years, true crime has made its place on audiences' to-watch lists. Along with movies, some TV series are also a must-watch in this genre.
Based on the 2010 movie of the same name, MTV's Catfish: The TV Show follows Nev Schulman and his team as they help people who fell in love on the internet find out the truth about their partners whom they have never met. Showing the dark side of online dating, this 2012 show was a sensational hit during its time.
Tens of thousands of Americans fall victim to online romance-related scams each year, according to the Federal Trade Commission. In 2018, more than 21,000 romance scams were reported to the FTC, up from 8,500 in 2015. People targeted by these scams reported a median loss of $2,600n or a collective loss of $143 million in 2018.
This position paper aims to understand the use of dating apps by two diverse populations in society. We take a life course perspective (Elder, 1985; Green, 2017; Hutchinson, 2018) to illustrate how older adults (50+ years) and young people with life-threatening and/or life-limited conditions (LLTC), in conjunction with the potential benefits, challenges, and risks associated to dating apps; while providing an understanding of sex, intimacy and sexuality in both older and younger adults. The structure of this position paper includes an overview of sex, intimacy and sexuality from the standpoint of the two populations, an overview of existing dating apps, coupled with a discussion surrounding the challenges and enablers to using dating apps in contemporary society. We conclude by proposing a series of future work, and recommendations for moving this body of work forward.